Afrochoteños of Juncal: An ethnography about individual and collective identity

  • Verónica Gavilanes
  • María Pía Vera Toscano Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
Keywords: individual identity, collective identity, internal inmigration, afro-descendants, Chota Valley, Ecuador


The dynamics of the afroecuadorian community of Juncal, at the Chota valley, are characterized by having a particular configuration of the domestic and public space, in addition to strong relationships of solidarity. These features are basic aspects of the collective identity of its population. However, a constant immigration process to the city has introduced external identity elements that bring tension to the collective identity. This article presents an ethnography that shows this dynamic that belongs to the collective identity of the Juncal as well as the experienced changes in the individual identity as part of the immigration process and its influence in the relationships of the community. It analyzes the ways that the collective and individual identities interact building up the afrochoteños ego identity of the Juncal.
How to Cite
Gavilanes, V., & Vera Toscano, M. P. (2021). Afrochoteños of Juncal: An ethnography about individual and collective identity. Antropología Cuadernos De Investigación, (23), 12-28.
Tema: Estudios Emergentes