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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Contributors

The editorial structure of Antropología Cuadernos de Investigación includes the following sections: Presentation, Theme, Proposals, Documents and Testimonies, Ethnographies, Scientific and Academic Notes, Obituaries and Book Reviews.

The articles sent to Antropología Cuadernos de Investigación must be original, should not be previously published in another printed or electronic medium and they must not be simultaneously submitted to another journal or publisher.

The journal has two annual calls for the submission of manuscripts: December-May and Jun-November.


Peer Review Process

Articles will be evaluated by the Editorial Committee and two reviewers external to the institution (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador), who will reply to the author regarding the content of the manuscript. In the process of evaluation, the author’s and evaluator’s names will be anonymous. The Editorial Committee will make the final decision whether to publish the article.  The process of evaluation and publication takes six months minimum.

The manuscript can be accepted with or without modifications. In the first case, the article will be returned to the author with observations, to be re-submitted to the Editorial Committee. The author should make the changes that have been requested and justify those which under their criteria will not be considered. The Editorial Committee will ultimately accept or reject the modifications and the publication of the article. The author will be notified of the receipt, approval or rejection of the text.


Manuscript format

  • All work must be submitted in Word format, letter sized, single spaced, Arial font size 12, 2.5 cm. margins, and not exceeding ten thousand words.
  • The manuscript must include an abstract not exceeding two hundred words and, four to six keywords related to the content of the article.
  • Information regarding the country and name of the institution to which the author belongs should be attached. In addition, an-email address must be provided from each author.
  • The quoted bibliography and documents will be placed at the end of the text arranged in an alphabetical list with the following information: author’s (s) surname and name, publication year, name of the article, volume/number, title of the book (in italics), publishing house, edition and pages (if is an article).
  • The references within the text will be placed in brackets stating author’s name, year and pages, for example (Rodríguez, 1994: 34); when dealing two or three authors (Rodríguez y García, 1995: 23). In case of four or more authors (Rodríguez et al., 1995).
  • Textual quotations that exceed three lines of extension should be placed in brackets and with a wider indentation. Words and phrases in italics will be presented underlined.
  • Photos, charts, and other graphics must be titled and have consecutive numeration. They must be presented as final artwork (110 mm. x 160 mm.) including original source.


Privacy Statement

Los nombres y las direcciones de correo electrónico introducidos en esta revista se usarán exclusivamente para los fines establecidos en ella y no se proporcionarán a terceros o para su uso con otros fines.