The Invisible Photo in the Album. State Terror Hidden Among the Family Memories.

  • Pablo Hermida Salas Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar


When an ignored picture reveals itself as a carrier of a national past, -silent and muted-, it is a window leading to some kind of memory, questioning the past and printing meaning in a family memory, an imaginary community, and a country.  This work analyzes how photography becomes a vehicle that makes the recovery of family and collective memory possible when it assumes an ethic and political role that saddles the “must be of memory”. Past events are expected to be identified which remake the collective memory in the face of a historical fact:  state terrorism in Ecuador under the government of León Febres Cordero and the disappearance of the Restrepo brothers. Here, the nuances of some official memories are confronted by stories that emerge from that community of remembrance, the family album.


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Fuentes electrónicas


• (Spot informativo Canal Telesur)


• Sonia Salas de Hermida. Tumbaco, abril 2015.

• Enrique Hermida Bustos. Tumbaco, abril 2015.

• Diana Hermida Salas. Quito, abril 2015.
How to Cite
Hermida Salas, P. (2019). The Invisible Photo in the Album. State Terror Hidden Among the Family Memories. Antropología Cuadernos De Investigación, (20), 28-40.
Tema: Memoria(s)