Memories of the quotidian in the “liberated zones’ of Sendero Luminoso. The case of the retiradas of Chungui and Oreja de Perro

  • Lucía Rojas Rodríguez Universidad de Cambridge


In 1980, the Communist Party of Peru –Shining Path,  declared a war against the Peruvian state with the ambition of building a new society according to its Marxist-Leninist-Maoist principles. The seeds of the new society would be planted in the remote, highland regions of Ayacucho before conquering the cities, and in time, the country. The beginning of the “armed struggle’ was successful and Shining Path gained control over several areas which it called “liberated zones’. There, thousands of peasants were requested to leave their villages and possessions for the promise of a new start in the Shining Path’s retiradas (forest camps).

This article describes the dynamics of everyday life in retirada to explore the quotidian dimension of armed conflicts and the realities faced when collectives begin a project of radical social change. I also explore the dynamic between what is remembered and what is forgotten in the context of a violent conflict, going beyond the extraordinary and focusing on the memory of the quotidian. Lost beneath statistics and forgotten in the fog of a bitter 20-year war are the persisting memories of everyday life, where ordinary activities like eating, sleeping and working were strictly controlled. It is these narratives that I have reconstructed from the dense archive of testimonies and in-depth interviews taken years later as part of the Peruvian Truth Commission’s report.


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How to Cite
Rojas Rodríguez, L. (2019). Memories of the quotidian in the “liberated zones’ of Sendero Luminoso. The case of the retiradas of Chungui and Oreja de Perro. Antropología Cuadernos De Investigación, (20), 12-27.
Tema: Memoria(s)