Homosexual incarnations Ethnographic notes on the production of corporality and performativity of the sexed body

  • Francisco Hernández Galván Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Keywords: sexuality, performativity, materiality of the sexed body, etnography


The present article reflects on events related to the body and sexuality from some field work experiences. Elaborating an ethnography that treats about enunciation, statement and identity subjectification processes that fit to homosexual men’ mobility in the city of Puebla. The ethnography experience is confined to a critical discussion about the sexed body’s production throughout homosexual men’ narrations.

How to Cite
Hernández Galván, F. (2021). Homosexual incarnations Ethnographic notes on the production of corporality and performativity of the sexed body. Antropología Cuadernos De Investigación, (23), 90-105. https://doi.org/10.26807/ant.vi23.237
Tema: Estudios Emergentes