Human burials, social complexity and interactions in the Formative Period of the Quito valley

  • Paula Nathaly Torres Peña Investigadora independiente
Keywords: Formative Period - Ecuador - Burials - Social Complexity - Group Interactions - Archaeological Mission – Gliwice Radiocarbon Laboratory.


In archaeology, social complexity can be studied through the analysis of funerary contexts, since
differences in the mortuary treatment of the individuals may point to social differentiation or
status. In addition, the study of funerary practices allows us to infer the existence or absence of
interactions between groups during a given time period. This is due to the fact that interactions
could result in an exchange of burial practices. In this article, the funerary practices of five
Formative sites located in the Quito valley will be analyzed, in order to examine the social
complexity and interaction between these sites. The results of this study highlight what could
be the first evidence of social differentiation during the Formative Period in the Quito valley.
Moreover, they reveal a great diversity of funerary practices which could indicate the absence
of interactions between these groups, especially at the beginning of this period.

How to Cite
Torres Peña, P. N. (2021). Human burials, social complexity and interactions in the Formative Period of the Quito valley. Antropología Cuadernos De Investigación, (24), 46-64.