A resistance struggle against Neo-extractivism in Intag-Ecuador

  • Diana Bermúdez Loor
Keywords: extractivism - mining - Intag - Junín community.


The extractivist political tendency, evident in Ecuador, has triggered diverse reactions from communities, activist groups, and civilians. Inhabitants express different positions regarding local realities. This article discusses the process of resistance that Intag has lived through for 25 years in opposition to metallic mining. This type of extractivism is linked to capitalism, and to the permanent struggle of the population in defense of their way of life. The contents are analyzed from Political Ecology, Post-structuralist, and Constructivist theory (Escobar, 1996; Gutiérrez 2006; Gupta, 2006; Gudynas, 2014). The ethnographic work was carried out in the Junín reserve. Local testimonies were collected on socio-environmental problems that families live through. The objective of the research is to highlight the problems that arise in the communities of Intag in the context of extractivism and community resistance which, amid the mining activity of certain mega projects, have given rise to the creation of the Intag Community Reserve.

How to Cite
Bermúdez Loor, D. (2021). A resistance struggle against Neo-extractivism in Intag-Ecuador. Antropología Cuadernos De Investigación, (25), 119-129. Retrieved from https://cuadernosdeantropologia-puce.edu.ec/index.php/antropologia/article/view/274