Relationship of nature and society linked to the leisure time of visitors in two parks in an inter-Andean dry valley, Ecuador.

  • Andrea Muñoz - Barriga Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
  • Alejandra Díaz Tapia Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador
Keywords: Green areas - Leisure - Nature - Jerusalem - Cochasqui.


This article analyzes the relationship between nature and society through Cochasquí and Jerusalén parks users’ perceptions, located in an inter-Andean dry valley near Quito. The methodology used was eminently quantitative (surveys), complementing qualitative techniques (semi-structured interviews and observation). Among the main findings, it has been identified the importance that users give to nature as a space for recreation, leisure, and free time is detected, often leaving aside cultural values that could be associated above all with Cochasquí. On the other hand, there are differences between the two parks regarding sociodemographic profiles and preferences. Overall, there is a need to have green spaces for relaxation, recreation, and leaving urban environments behind. Within the pandemic and climate emergency framework, parks are spaces for conservation, meeting, and enjoying free time.

How to Cite
Muñoz - Barriga, A., & Díaz Tapia, A. (2023). Relationship of nature and society linked to the leisure time of visitors in two parks in an inter-Andean dry valley, Ecuador. Antropología Cuadernos De Investigación, (27), 142-156.