Going out to win: Memory as a resignifier of practices within the framework of a women's football team. Cóm

  • Mariel Verónica Bleger Conicet- IIDyPCA- UNRN
Keywords: stories, memory, women, maternity, soccer


This article shows how over the sport a group of women identifies, through shared memories and stories, ways to switch certain naturalized places of inequality and subordination. Starting from an ethnographic work of their movement in a setting as fixed and pre-established as the “football tradition”, this work follows the launch of the first neighbourhood women’s football team. From their own narratives where their resignifications evidenced the processes that transformed some contexts where they elaborate personal, private and shared memories the analysis will be carried out.

How to Cite
Bleger, M. V. (2021). Going out to win: Memory as a resignifier of practices within the framework of a women’s football team. Cóm. Antropología Cuadernos De Investigación, (23), 62-73. https://doi.org/10.26807/ant.vi23.220
Tema: Estudios Emergentes